Sunday, November 23, 2014

Movie time "Bowling Balls"

Well today as a hopefully quick written post as I am strapped for time I'll be telling you about the mini movie by the Insane Clown Posse called "Bowling Balls".
Bowling Balls is a mini movie based off an ICP song of the same name off of the album "Hells Pit" and serves partially as a music video for that song where the movie switches to clips of ICP performing the song.
I can't find the full movie in just one video anymore for one reason or another so I'm putting a link to a playlist on here. The movie is broken into three videos and then the song with lyrics follows totalling four videos the longest one just over nine minutes long.
Bowling Balls

WARNING: this movie contains shitty cheap ass violence and has gratuitous use of words like fuck, shit, titty, bitch, and other words of the nature.

The movie starts with two girls smoking weed in an old beat up yellow truck chit chatting and carrying on. They appear to be in the middle of nowhere which is later confirmed. As they pass the blunt back and forth one of them drops it and they quickly scurry to find it and the blonde girl driving the truck ends up hitting someone. This someone is Shaggy 2 Dope with a hunch back and a noose around his neck altogether looking quite dirty and scrappy. The brunnete girl quickly suggests they drive away and not bother to see if they hurt someone or something but the blonde convinces her otherwise and they get out of the truck to investigate. They call out and slowly edge away from the truck but are frightened into running back to the truck when they see the silhouette of Shaggy from a distance running away and screaming. They jump in the truck but it won't start so the blonde  (Amy) calls a friend by the name of Brad accompanied by Tiffany and Carl but it'll be a couple hours before they'll be there. Amy is able to tell Brad that they are near a hotel with a neon running man sign before her phone shits out on her. Out of nowhere Violent J pops up and offers his assistance having noticed their car troubles, gives both Amy and the brunette Stacy flowers and invites them to his bed and breakfast to wait at until their friends arrive. Amy requests a moment to speak with Stacy and J happily obliges. Stacy isn't having it not one bit and after a little arguing Amy leaves her in the truck to wait while she goes to the b&b to wait with J. Visibly upset Stacy says to herself "you'd better be right" and gets out of the truck. Next we see their friends on their way to help and they are talking amongst themselves about Amy and Stacy being stranded. Carl is driving and is a black very by the books nerdy type football player next to him is Tiffany a sassy almost bitchy asian girl and in the back is Brad your typical dumb self assured stoner football player. Back to Amy Stacy and J they're walk to the b&b as J tells them about it and the area. He tells them the business has been in the family for years and that there isn't another establishment for 25 miles in any direction apart from a shed used to grow marijuana that has nothing to do with them. They get inside and J tells them to make their selves at home and there is someone he wants them to meet, his brother Shaggy who he calls out to several times. Shaggy shows up from behind with a machette and cuts Stacy's head off one swing. J gets mad because he was gonna try to "fuck that bitch" but Shaggy doesn't care he just wants the "ball" while J proclaims that "mom is gonna kill us". J and Shaggy fight briefly and J gives him the head while telling him to clean up as they are expecting guests. J grabs Amy says "let's go bitch" then walks away. This is when the first part of the song starts, J and Shaggy are in the living room that is filled with severed heads and J starts rapping with Shaggy doing the chorus. The entire song is about severed heads and them being J's only friends and all the things he does with them although he admits he has a problem. After the clip of the song it shows the front of the b&b with the caption two hours later. The friends have arrived and gone inside the b&b where they decide to split up Brads idea. Brad still stoned assigns Carl upstairs Tiffany downstairs and himself.... the kitchen. Next is the second part of the song. The song is followed by Carl going upstairs where a strange scrapping sound can be heard. He's calling out and looking around as he heads towards the sound at the end of the hall behind the last door. He opens it and sees Shaggy sharpening an axe quickly closes the door turns around swears then notices J holding a hatchet and winding up to throw it. Shaggy is trying to get through the door but Carl is pressing back although he's cornered and out of options. J throws his hatchet and hits Carl right in the forehead "bulls eye mother fucker" then Shaggy opens the door and starts hacking him with the axe. It cuts to the third part of the song. After that we see Tiffany going downstairs where she finds Amy. She then notices the heads and runs away leaving Amy. She heads for the stairs but J and Shaggy walk in just as she's going up the stairs. Again she runs away this time back into the depths of the basement where she trips and is decapitated. J gets mad and starts talking about how mom wanted everything properly organized so no one got hurt Shaggy is to concerned with the "ball" and J takes it and Knicks him out with it. Next is the fourth part of the song. Now we see Brad sneaking into the kitchen acting like a ninja. He opens the fridge but it's near empty although he does find a piece of watermelon that he snacks on a bit before tossing it aside. He opens the freezer door and sees some frozen heads. He freaks out and closes the freezer door to reveal J standing there with a baseball bat that has nails sticking out. Brad is shit talking saying things like "you don't know me clown I got game mother fucker" and "bring it on" this is only amusing J as Shaggy sneaks up from behind impales him cuts his head off and starts stabbing his face for a minute or two. Cuts to the song again. After the song clip J and Shaggy come downstairs and start taunting Amy with the heads of her friends then J explains it's not about your fingers your toes your titties or elbows it's all about your dome the melons the nuggets the craniums and she has a beautiful melon and they want it. She calls them sick mother fuckers and struggles free from her ropes but she is cornered with nowhere to go. She makes a break for it and they both grab her but Shaggy won't let go like J is telling him and J ends up ripping her head off with her spine attached by accident as a result.
J-the fuck is this?
Shaggy pushes him
S-gimme the ball
J shouting
J-moms gonna kill us
S-gimme the ball
Shaggy pushes him again as he says it
J pushes him harder
J-you son of a fuck I told you
J swings the head by the spine and hits Shaggy in the head
Cuts to the final song clip. The last part of the movie shows a couple driving with the caption the next night. The lady says "I love driving in the country" then the guy says "it's so good to get away" as he pulls his wang out (not shown). She leans over to give him some road head just as they hit Shaggy with their car. They stop the car and she spits out what looks like a pickle my guess is she bit his dick off Shaggy runs away and J pops up out of nowhere and says "Problem folks?". End of movie roll credits.

That's it for me I'm done
-(insert fake alias here)

And I leave you with this one question
Who took the chicken off the plate and put it in the fridge?

Shaggy 2 Dope did.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wizard of the Hood

This week I'm doing a review for the solo album by Violent J "Wizard of the Hood" which is a concept album based off of the the wizard of oz.
It was first released in 2003 but there have been around two reissues or something like that each one with two additional songs bringing the total altogether around 13 songs including the intro but I'm only writing about 8 leaving out the intro which holds no significants and the four total bonus songs from the special edition and reissue.
The thing about this EP is that it is strickly a "smokers" record because the whole thing is about weed. The original special edition CD came with a special tin and rolling papers for weed. So with that in mind here is my review of "Wizard of the Hood"

Track 2- Let It Rain
This is where our story starts and we meet our first protagonist Violent J. Violent J is a crack dealer living in a run down near abandoned house in Detroit Michigan. He's driving home in his tricked out car when it starts to rain, so he hits the switch to put the top up but otherwise ignores the weather. He gets home and the weather has escalated to a full blown hurricane but it makes no difference to J or his clientele (being crack heads all they care about is their fix) so J is just hanging out around his house smoking weed and playing mega man 4 from 1993. He's watching crack heads trying to get to his door unsuccessfully as they are thrown all around by the wind being only 90 pounds due to their drug abuse. The house is taking a beating from the weather, tornado sirens are blaring, and J has noticed an unusual sound, so he opens the door to see a tornado but shuts the door because he doesn't care so long as it stays outside. Suddenly the whole house is ripped off the ground by the tornado and is flying around with all sorts of other crazy shit. His game is somehow all good chilling on pause but everything else is being tossed and ruined including himself and the "rocks" in his shoes. He looks out the window and sees
the crack heads waiving at him flying around still trying to buy from him he also sees mailboxes, a pizza man, some garbage cans, and then he saw a naked woman that made him stop all together like "damn". Before long all of it was gone and his house crashed to the ground.

Track 3- Yellow Brick Alleyway
 J's house crashed to the ground and he has no idea where he's at. So before venturing out he grabs the necessary supplies, some weed and wrapping papers. He heads out and immediately starts freaking out at the sight of all the random colorful things foreign to our world and especially Detroit. He notices some little people hiding from him and walks up nonchalantly asking "what's up", out of nowhere a party breaks out. They all thank him for crushing the wicked witch with his house, he looks over and sees her legs sticking out then begins to play it off like it was intentional but it was no big deal. He asks how he can get home and they tell him about someone called the wizard that can get him anything he needs. They tell him to follow the yellow brick road to find the wizard at his palace and J is quickly on his way sparking a blunt to smoke while he walks. I love the fact all the munchins are just J with a high pitched and the munchins hilarious way of telling J what he needs to do
"Take ya ass down the yellow brink road motherfucker
Take ya ass down the yellow brink alleway"
repeated until the music fades into the beat of the next song and its J singing it to himself
"Take my ass down the yellow brick alleyway
(I'm going home)
They say, Take my ass down the yellow bricks"

Track 4- Homies 2 Smoke With
This song is my favorite. In this song we meet the scarecrow who is played by Monoxide from Twiztid. J is walking down the yellow brick road to the wizard taking everything in and accepting the fact that this is real. He's carrying on smoking a vanilla blunt when out of nowhere he here's a voice "yo homie let me get a hit of that blunt". He looks around and sees that a scarecrow is the one that asked for a hit. J tells him that all he doesn't really have any good weed but the wizard has the best stuff around and that's where he's heading right now. The scarecrow asks if he can tag along and J happily allows him. J helps him off his post but crow falls and rips off, crow quickly assures him its all good
"I helped set his ass free
He slipped off
Then his fuckin leg ripped off
And He was like
"Don't mind that shit dawg, It ain't nothing at all"
"Just a little bit of stuffin that straw" "
After a quick inquiry by J the pair are happily off on their way to the wizard
"Hey Paul, I mean scarecrow, yo
"Don't ask if i ever tried smokin myself, no"
I only thought what the hey, ok
Anyway, lets get you some real shit
Down the yellow brick alley way"
The hey Paul is kind of a joke because Monoxide who plays the scarecrow his real name is Paul. My favorite part of the song is the chorus which is sung primarily by Monoxide
"I dont need a brain
Don't need anything
I just want somebody to smoke with
(who said that? x 2)
Stuck up on this thing
With no fucking gains
I just want somebody to smoke with
(who said that?)
Well i said that"
I don't need a brain is a reference to what the scarecrow from the wizard of oz wanted from the wizard that being a brain.

Track 5- Thug Whillin'
In this song we meet the tin man played by Jamie Madrox of Twiztid. J and crow are walking along talking and smoking when suddenly a metal man jumps out to rob them. He demands that they not look back at him and that he wants whatever they've got including the weed the two of them are smoking. He claims he'll shoot them and they try to reason with him saying that they don't have anything for him to steal but the wizard has plenty. Being that neither of them have anything to live for they turn around and see that he doesn't really have a gun. They get kinda pissed but the tin man asks if they think the wizard has a gun for him and asks if he can come with them. J asks "what you think scarecrow", "we got the same paint on so that's cool", "but we all should remember the rule" it cuts to the chorus and continues til it fades into the next song with the three of them talking about how they don't like the dark woods the road is taking them through.

Track 6- Horribly Horrifying
In this song we meet the last addition to our group the lion played by Blaze Ya Dead Homie. The three men are walking through a dark scary forest on their way to the wizard and J is getting super paranoid every little sound is getting him worked up to a point the two other men are getting annoyed. Suddenly the lion jumps out and J is shitting bricks
"Save it for your bedroom mirror, scream in fear
You was right, be scared, bitch, the lion is here

Once I heard that, I knew that's all it would take
I started screaming like a cheerleader about to get raped
A big ass lion jumped out, like he was ready to fight
At least it's three against one,
But I'm the only one in sight
My two homies was gone, lost deep in the night
I pulled the blunt out looked at the lion, said,
"you gotta light?" "
It cuts to the chorus then its back to J's and the lions conversation where we find out what the lion wants.
"Hear the roar of the king of the jungle
It's me, not Tarzan, so go, I'm the lion,
You stepping on my turf
And one of y'all dying tonight that's for sure,
"that's for sure?"
You think it's your lucky day, you think I'm hear to play,
You saw the do not enter sign you had to cross it anyway
Reconsider killing you; don't even make me laugh
You stumbled in my kingdom; the next breath's your last

Mister, mister death and destruction
May I ask you a question you got everything
Why you fucking with something with nothing
We ain't even from around here we just passing through
You come crashing through; I'm only asking you...

Truth is I'm bored, everybody scared of me,
I smelled y'all over
Here puffing the lovely, and fuck that blunt, facts,
I'm just gonna ask
Do any y'all motherfuckers no where the hoes at?

Maybe on the southwest side, I know a few
But straight up I know them hoes ain't trying' to fuck you

How 'bout I swipe your head off?

How about you relax
I'm only saying these hoes don't fuck half lions like that
But I know this one player, this pimp right here in town
He's got mad furry bitches
That be swinging they tails round
His name is the Wizard, fact that's were we headed

Don't mind if I do tag along, fuckin give me some neden
"  So it turns out that the lion is such a badass that everyone around is scared of him and things have gotten boring because of such. In the long run all he wants is a girlie or in simpler terms he wants some neden which is a juggalo word meaning pussy.
So now we have the group all together each man with his own desire J wants to go home, the scarecrow wants some homies to smoke with, the tin man wants a gun, and the lion wants a girl.

Track 7- What U Think in' About?
In this song the group has made it out of the forest and are now in a giant mushroom field. They decide to eat some of the mushrooms just because and start to randomly ask what everyone else is thinking about as the mushrooms kick in and got them feeling alright. They are thinking about all sorts of things like boobs, women, food, weed, cars, and at one point J mentions Blazes new album wondering when it will drop (it was released the following year) from the lines about Blaze sprawled a big joke surrounding Blaze
"Now what you thinkin' about?
(Violent J)
Blaze Ya Dead Homie (Who ya dead who?)
Who ya dead who?
Where I'm from that's cool
Anyway, I'm just wondering when his Colton shit droppin'?
I'm tryin' to get my gold six hoping
What you thinking about?"
Who ya dead who is a huge joke when it comes to Blaze because of this line but its all in good fun.

Track 8- Shiny Diamonds
At the end of What U Thinkin' About? they start talking and it carries over into the very beginning of Shiny Diamonds.
"(Violent J)
There it is ya'll
We made it
You ready to go in?
First tell us, why do you wanna go home anyway?
(Tin Man)
Yeah, why don't you just stay with us
In this fantasy ass fantasy land?
(The Lion)
I mean what do you got going on there that's so good?
(Violent J)
Man, it ain't always all good at home but the few days it is makes it all worth while."
The song is about how things aren't always great were he's from but the few things that aren't shitty make it all worth it and that's why he wants to go home because its where he belongs regardless.

Track 9- The Wizard's Palace
This is the final song in the story when they finally make it to the wizards palace and its just this wonderful place with free weed and booze and everybodies having a good time. J smells some amazing weed and starts finding his way to it but they are stopped by a guard. The guard is a quick cameo by ABK (Anybody Killa) he gets annoyed and tells them which way to walk and just go away. They bust into the wizards room and he is quick to get angry by their intrusion and who else could be the wizard but Shaggy 2 Door then other half of Insane Clown Posse.
"(Violent J)
At the Wizard's gates we all knocked
And we walked all in
Let the party begin, balling

(The Wizard)
Who dare come here to meet the big W?
You're crazy, your boys are in trouble too
I be the one like Big Daddy Wizard Kingpin
Tell me what the..(voice turns normal)
Fuck you thinking?
I blink and I set your, faces on fire
Damnit, must be a faulty wire
Well fuck, my voice thing run out again
But you're still in terrible danger my friend

(Violent J)
Tin Man ran and dismanned the curtain
It was just some fool in a Fuck Off shirt
And it was salt in the game, we maintained the same

(The Wizard)
Hi, Shaggy, Stretch Nuts be the real name,
or the Wizard if you want
But it's all a front
I been here 9 years, 8 days, and a month
So I started this hussle, now it's getting me paid
I got to admit I get laid with my own parade
But a player like me knows what you want
A player like me holds the magic blunt

The magic blunt?

(The Wizard)
The magic blunt
I been saving it up, what, what
All for a you fools are getting what you want
Cause a player like me holds the magic blunt

The magic blunt?

(The Wizard)
The magic blunt
I'm lighting it up, now what, what
Mr. Lion "Yeah",
you indeed of a hoe then blow, "What up dawg?"
She's yours, or any other bitch you step to,
don't let no rep go and intercept you
Tin Man, it's your turn to hit the ganj
"Nothing I don't understand"
Your wish is for iron when you made out of steel
But you already the hardest for real
Scarecrow, my man, hit the dro
"Some homies 2 smoke with me?"
I know
"I'm puffing but I ain't seeing nothing"
What about the homies that's with ya,
you saying they frontin?
"But I love Tin Tizzy, The Lion, and J though"
And they down with you for life, too
And Violent J
Now it's your turn to burn
Just hit that shit and the page we turn
Just hit that shit and the page we turn
Just hit that shit and the page we turn
Just hit that shit and the page we turn
Just hit that shit and the page we turn

(Talking & Coughing)

(Violent J)
And that was it
Next thing I knew I woke up in my very own bed
And that's, that's how it exactly how it went down
Hope you liked it"
So the wizard is revealed as just some guy in a "fuck off" shirt who then gives them what they want by having them all take a hit from the magic blunt. Scarecrow takes a hit but nothing happens because he already has homies to smoke with tin man the lion and J. Tin man hits the blunt and nothing happens because his wish is for iron when he is made out of steel but he's already the hardest for real. The lion hits the blunt and a lion girl appears that is all his in addition to any other girl he approaches from now on. Finally J hits the blunt and starts to fade away he says his goodbyes and they all express their having loved having him around and how he's always welcome back. J then walks up in his bed like nothing happened.

Alright I'm done here
-(insert fake alias here)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Psychopathic video review #2 Violent J's love songs

For this week I'm going to write a review for three music videos of my choosing just like last week. This time around rather than the horror based songs and videos of before I'll be doing love songs by one half of the Insane Clown Posse "Violent J" (real name Joseph "Joe" Bruce). One of the videos is from Violent J's second full length solo album "The Shining" while the other two are technically ICP releases although only Violent J is heard on the song.

First song is "Another Love Song" from the Insane Clown Posse release "The Amazing Jeckel Brothers" the fifth jokers card released in 1999.
The name "Another Love Song" pays homage to the title of the song "Love Song" from their second major release "The Ringmaster" the second jokers card.

Jake "the just" (left) and Jack "the sinister" (right)

Another Love Song music video

The video opens up with ICP and Twiztid driving in a nice older looking car with a big red hatchet man on the hood. They're driving in what I've come to find out is the Arizona desert when suddenly the car shits out. Shaggy 2 Dope (real name Joseph "Joey" Utsler) the other half of ICP, and Monoxide of Twiztid get out to look at the problem. Violent J is singing in the passenger and Jamie Madrox is behind him bumping his head to the music. Shaggy and Mono make the mistake of taking the radiator cap off and hot pressurized coolant shoots out at them. They push the car to a gas station/auto shop and ask the man there to repair their vehicle, while there Violent J spots a girl who looks at the men almost with a look of disgust or at least confusion based on a sense of misplaced fear. The four men go to a diner while waiting for their car to be fixed. The locals and staff in there all get uneasy understandable seeing as how ICP is painted like clowns and Twiztid has their powder faced blacken eyed makeup on as opposed to the face paint they eventually stuck with. Shaggy is messing with a ketchup bottle, Monoxide is eating, J  is grabbing at the waitress, and Madrox is staring down locals a couple booths away. Next they are walking into a trailer park for reasons I can only speculate. My thinking is that they went to retrieve their car but it wasn't there, the girl they saw earlier took it and now they're looking for her. The reason I think this is because at one point they spot her in their car and you can see Madrox pointing at her in a fashion that suggests he's pointing out where she is, then she does some donuts in front of them and drives off. Back to where I was at, they're walking into the trailer park and towards a particular trailer with a scrawny faggish looking guy in skimpy clothes and a fat chick in front. The fat chick runs away and the guy runs inside the trailer that they proceed to beat the shit out of kicking it throwing things at it, whatever they can do to cause damage. I think its understandable for the couple to be fearful seeing as how Violent J is 6' 3" and heavy set Shaggy is 6' 2" with an average build Monoxide is also 6' 2" average build and Madrox is 6' 4" and even heavier than J not to mention two of them are painted like clowns while the other two are made to look dead. The rest of the video is just them smashing the trailer the girl doing what I mentioned before and them trashing into each other like a mosh pit. The song itself is J naming all the things he could do like buying her nice things, going back to school, taking off the clown paint and getting a real job, ect. but how he's not going to do that he's going to kill her because she "fucked his homie". The chorus clearly stating that he's going to kill her ...
"I'd rather cut that neck in half
I'd rather choke out that bitch-ass
I'd rather chop and never stop
Because you fucked my homie"

Next song is "Jealousy" from Violent J's second solo album "The Shining" released in 2009 on April 28th his 37th birthday.

The cover of "The Shining"

Jealousy music video

The video starts with a shot of Detroit city slowly moving until the music comes on you hear an aggravated shout from J and it goes over to J at a club by the bar trying to gain the interest of a nearby girl. She's not having it at all, you can tell by the look on her face alone. As he's taking a sip of his drink she waves at what he thinks is him so he tries to wave back but is bumped by the guy she was really waving at causing him to spill his drink. He looks at the both of them upset although most wouldn't notice because of the clown paint. The chorus cuts on and it shows clips of people mainly J dancing but only shows a black figure with a colorful aurora and colorful background. In the next scenes J is in the bathroom snorting coke, popping pills and downing them with booze, smoking cicigarettes, fixing his hair, and just messing around as the drugs hit his system. The entire time a bathroom attendant is watching him with a "what the fuck?" face until J gets in his face and walks out. It shows clips of J killing the guy but it's just his imagination. The attendant says something to a bouncer and points out J. J pops up between the girl and the guy and several bouncers quickly grab him and throw him out of the club. Amidst all his is of course the colorful chorus scenes at certain intervals and even a guitar solo. But as soon as he is thrown from the club the song ends he gets up brushes himself off starts walking away turns and shouts "fuck you man!" tears off his jacket throws it and keeps walking til the video ends. What I really like at the end is the fact there is a big hatchet man in place of a has station logo but being off to the side you ,at not notice the first time around.
The chorus sums up the song nicely...
"I'm overpowered by jealousy
But that's alright
I'm overpowered by jealousy
As long as you're mine tonight"

The final song is absolutely demented Violent J went all out on this one. It's called "The Kreayshawn Song" and there is a story behind the entire thing. The most recent of the new set of jokers cards from ICP is "The Mighty Death Pop" the second of the new deck. On MDP there is a song called "When I'm Clownin'" there are several versions, the album version and the single version featuring a female rapper by the name of Kreayshawn. The single version was going to be used for a music video with Kreayshawn in it. Now the story is that Violent J "fell in love" with Kreayshawn for about two weeks so he wrote this song about her and even made a music video just for laughs but never actually intended to release it . But apparently she couldn't be in the music video for "When I'm Clownin'" due to the fact she was seven months pregnant. Needless to say things fell through she was replaced by Danny Brown on the song and in the video and "The Kreayshawn Song" song and video was released just for the fuck of it. To top it off Shaggy 2 Dope, Violent J's life long best friend and musical partner of over twenty years actually refused to be involved with the music video in any way apart from a warning at the beginning of the video to the juggalo's about what they're about to see and how it has nothing whatsoever to do with "The Mighty Death Pop".

The Kreayshawn Song video

After Shaggy's warning the music starts and what had become my favorite song and music video starts. It reminds me of some of their earlier songs about love and women which are simply put "funny as hell" but this song is something else it's on an entirely new level and I pray for more and would honestly love to see it become a regular group on Psychopathic Records. For this video J is dressed in a white suit with fancy shoes and a black t-shirt that has a sparkly Mighty Death Pop on the front. On stage with J is a band of clowns and three female backup singers dressed kinda like Marilyn Monroe and it just so happens that the singer in the middle is Violent J's wife Michelle "Sugar Slam" Bruce (maiden name Rapp). He gives a little intro before rapping talking about how much he appreciates her being on that song and how every time he hears it he wants to fuck her (not quite in those words but I've been working on this all day and want to finish it already). He starts rapping and it show him in a  yellow shirt and white fedora at the park either on a bench or on a blanket lying on the ground while showing clips of what is supposed to be J and Kreay on a date all from her perspective. The date clips start with him picking her up in a black van then driving to a restaurant teasing her with a blunt, they get to the restaurant J is eating sloppily and forcing her to have glasses of Faygo a cheap soft drink from their home town Detroit that they've been rapping about for many years. The chorus starts and it cuts exclusively to him on stage with the clown masked band and his female backup singers. The chorus ends and we see him in a bath robe with a cream face mask that women use on as opposed to his face paint a towel on his head and he's holding a kitten in a room full of pictures of Kreayshawn. So now it variates between the bathrobe, the stage, and the date. At this point in the date J is trying to get them into a club and they sneak in through the back at which point they start dancing but in the video J is just messing around because I know for a fact that he can dance. It goes to the chorus again this time switching between J on stage and J in the bathrobe with all the kittens which are most likely his. The chorus ends and now in the date scenes they are at the bar of the club J orders two drinks takes Kreayshawns downs them both and makes the hand gesture to suggest sex that being the pointer finger going into the other set of fingers made to look like a hole, he waves the keys in her face and they are off. A quick clip of J in the bathrobe in clouds with pictures of Kreay raining down and its back to showing the date. He's bringing her into a motel room, then it shows J on the bed in his underwear as a bra is thrown at his face. A line in the song about him pulling his wang out and the screen cuts to a heart made of hearts with the word "BOING" on it. The chorus plays one more time then J has these final words for Kreayshawn...
write back soon,
but keep it on the low, shit,
my babies mama will kick my ass,
kick your ass too,
we can do another song together tho that'd be dope,
unless you trippin
I just love how the minute he mentions his baby mama the camera is on Sugar Slam.

Just for the hell of it I'm going to put up pictures of Violent J with Sugar Slam just so you can question how he got such a hottie.

Violent J with his wife Michelle "Sugar Slam" Rapp/Bruce, his son Joseph Bruce Jr "Violent JJ", and his daughter Ruby Bruce

Violent J, his wife, and his son

Violent J and his daughter

So there you go, that is Violent J and his family

That should about wrap it up
With love -(insert fake alias here)